Swift Protocol Handbook
A guide for iOS developers📚👩💻
Welcome Devs
In this article, I’ve crafted a go-to guide filled with handy questions and examples. Think of it as your quick-reference treasure chest, making protocol mastery a breeze. Ready to dive in?
1. What is a protocol in Swift?
A protocol defines a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that can be adopted by classes, structs, or enums. It defines a contract that conforming types must adhere to.
2. How do you declare a protocol in Swift?
You declare a protocol using the `protocol` keyword, followed by the protocol name and a list of requirements (methods, properties, etc.).
protocol MyProtocol {
// protocol requirements
3. What is protocol conformance in Swift?
Protocol conformance is the act of a class, struct, or enum adopting and implementing the requirements specified by a protocol.
protocol MyProtocol {
// protocol requirements
func myMethod()
class MyClass: MyProtocol {
func myMethod() {
4. Can a Swift class conform to multiple protocols?
Yes, a Swift class can conform to multiple protocols by listing them separated by commas.
class MyClass: Protocol1, Protocol2 {
// class implementation
5. What is a protocol extension in Swift?
A protocol extension allows you to provide default implementations for methods in a protocol. Types conforming to the protocol automatically get these default implementations unless they provide their own.
protocol MyProtocol {
func myMethod()
extension MyProtocol {
func myMethod() {
print("Default implementation")
6. How can you check if an instance conforms to a protocol in Swift?
You can use the `is` keyword to check if an instance conforms to a protocol:
if someInstance is MyProtocol {
// it conforms
7. What is a protocol composition in Swift?
Protocol composition allows you to combine multiple protocols into a single requirement. It’s done using the `&` operator.
protocol Protocol1 {
// protocol 1 requirements
protocol Protocol2 {
// protocol 2 requirements
// Protocol composition
typealias CombinedProtocol = Protocol1 & Protocol2
8. How do you create a generic protocol in Swift?
You can create a generic protocol in Swift by defining associated types or methods with generic parameters. It enhances code readability and allows conforming types to specify the actual type.
protocol MyGenericProtocol {
associatedtype MyType
func processValue(_ value: String)
// Conforming to MyProtocol with String as MyType
struct StringProcessor: MyProtocol {
typealias MyType = String
func processValue(_ value: String) {
// Implementation for processing a String value
9. How can you achieve delegation using protocols in Swift?
Delegation in Swift is achieved using protocols. A protocol defines the required methods, and a delegate conforms to that protocol to receive and handle the delegated tasks. And, to prevent retain cycles in delegation, protocols in Swift often declare delegate properties as `weak` references. This helps avoid strong reference cycles that could lead to memory leaks.
import UIKit
// Protocol for handling cell button tap
protocol CellDelegate: AnyObject {
func didTapButton(in cell: CustomTableViewCell)
// Custom table view cell
class CustomTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
weak var delegate: CellDelegate?
@objc private func buttonTapped() {
// Notify the delegate when the button is tapped
delegate?.didTapButton(in: self)
// View controller conforming to the cell delegate
class TableViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate, CellDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Setup table view
tableView.dataSource = self
tableView.delegate = self
// UITableViewDataSource methods
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return 5
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "CustomCell", for: indexPath) as! CustomTableViewCell
cell.delegate = self
cell.titleLabel.text = "Cell \(indexPath.row + 1)"
cell.actionButton.setTitle("Tap me", for: .normal)
return cell
// CellDelegate method
func didTapButton(in cell: CustomTableViewCell) {
// Handle button tap in the cell
if let indexPath = tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
print("Button tapped in cell at row \(indexPath.row)")
10. What is a protocol witness in Swift?
A protocol witness in Swift refers to the actual implementation of a protocol requirement by a type. When a type conforms to a protocol, it becomes a witness for that protocol’s requirements.
protocol Greetable {
func greet() -> String
struct Person: Greetable {
func greet() -> String {
return "Hello, I'm a person."
let person = Person()
let greeting = person.greet() // The call to `greet()` is a protocol witness, using the specific implementation provided by the `person` instance.
11. Explain the difference between a protocol and an abstract class in other languages.
A protocol in Swift is similar to an interface in other languages, defining a set of requirements without providing any implementation. In contrast, an abstract class in some languages can have both method declarations and some method implementations, and it cannot be instantiated on its own.
12. How do you use protocol-oriented programming for dependency injection in Swift?
Protocol-oriented programming can be used for dependency injection by defining protocols for dependencies and injecting instances conforming to those protocols. This allows for more flexible and testable code.
// Protocol defining a network service
protocol NetworkService {
func fetchData() -> String
// Concrete implementation of the real network service
class RealNetworkService: NetworkService {
func fetchData() -> String {
// Simulate fetching data from a real network
return "Data fetched from the real network"
// Another concrete implementation of the mock network service for testing
class MockNetworkService: NetworkService {
func fetchData() -> String {
// Simulate fetching mock data for testing
return "Mock data fetched for testing"
// Object that depends on NetworkService via dependency injection
class DataClient {
let networkService: NetworkService
init(networkService: NetworkService) {
self.networkService = networkService
func processData() -> String {
// Use the injected network service
return "Processed: " + networkService.fetchData()
// Usage example
let realNetworkService = RealNetworkService()
let mockNetworkService = MockNetworkService()
// Dependency injection using RealNetworkService
let dataClientWithRealNetwork = DataClient(networkService: realNetworkService)
print(dataClientWithRealNetwork.processData()) // Output: Processed: Data fetched from the real network
// Dependency injection using MockNetworkService for testing
let dataClientWithMockNetwork = DataClient(networkService: mockNetworkService)
print(dataClientWithMockNetwork.processData()) // Output: Processed: Mock data fetched for testing
13. Explain the concept of a protocol’s self requirement in Swift.
The `Self` requirement in a protocol indicates that conforming types must use their own type for certain method return types or property types. It enforces that the return type or property type is the same as the conforming type.
protocol Printable {
associatedtype DataType
func printData(data: DataType)
// Self requirement: The associated type DataType must be the same as the conforming type.
func printSelf(data: Self)
14. What is protocol-oriented programming (POP) in Swift?
Protocol-Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm in Swift that emphasizes the use of protocols and protocol extensions for code composition and reuse, promoting a more modular and flexible design.
15. Explain the concept of conditional conformance or `where` clause in Swift protocols.
Conditional conformance in Swift protocols allows a type to conform to a protocol conditionally, based on certain requirements being met. It is often used when conforming to a protocol depends on the characteristics of associated types.
// Protocol with conditional conformance
protocol ValueContainer {
associatedtype Value
var value: Value { get }
// Conditional conformance for Equatable
extension ValueContainer where Value: Equatable {
func isEqual(to other: ValueContainer) -> Bool {
return self.value == other.value
// Example structs conforming to ValueContainer
struct StringContainer: ValueContainer {
let value: String
struct IntContainer: ValueContainer {
let value: Int
// Usage
let stringContainer1 = StringContainer(value: "Hello")
let stringContainer2 = StringContainer(value: "World")
let intContainer1 = IntContainer(value: 42)
let intContainer2 = IntContainer(value: 42)
print(stringContainer1.isEqual(to: stringContainer2)) // true
print(intContainer1.isEqual(to: intContainer2)) // true
16. How can you achieve type erasure with protocols in Swift?
Type erasure allows you to abstract away the underlying implementation details of a type, exposing only the necessary interface through a protocol. This can be useful for hiding implementation details and providing a more uniform interface.
// Define a protocol representing authentication functionality
protocol AuthenticationProvider {
func login(completion: @escaping (Bool, String?) -> Void)
// Implement concrete classes for different authentication providers
class EmailPasswordAuthProvider: AuthenticationProvider {
func login(completion: @escaping (Bool, String?) -> Void) {
// Perform email/password authentication logic
// For simplicity, let's assume it always succeeds
completion(true, "Email/password authentication successful")
class SocialMediaAuthProvider: AuthenticationProvider {
func login(completion: @escaping (Bool, String?) -> Void) {
// Perform social media authentication logic
// For simplicity, let's assume it always succeeds
completion(true, "Social media authentication successful")
// Create a type-erasing wrapper for AuthenticationProvider
class AnyAuthenticationProvider: AuthenticationProvider {
private let _login: (@escaping (Bool, String?) -> Void) -> Void
init<T: AuthenticationProvider>(_ base: T) {
_login = base.login
func login(completion: @escaping (Bool, String?) -> Void) {
// Create a LoginManager that can handle any AuthenticationProvider
class LoginManager {
private let authenticationProvider: AnyAuthenticationProvider
init(authenticationProvider: AnyAuthenticationProvider) {
self.authenticationProvider = authenticationProvider
func performLogin(completion: @escaping (Bool, String?) -> Void) {
authenticationProvider.login(completion: completion)
// Usage example
let emailPasswordProvider = EmailPasswordAuthProvider()
let socialMediaProvider = SocialMediaAuthProvider()
let anyEmailPasswordProvider = AnyAuthenticationProvider(emailPasswordProvider)
let anySocialMediaProvider = AnyAuthenticationProvider(socialMediaProvider)
let loginManagerForEmailPassword = LoginManager(authenticationProvider: anyEmailPasswordProvider)
let loginManagerForSocialMedia = LoginManager(authenticationProvider: anySocialMediaProvider)
loginManagerForEmailPassword.performLogin { success, message in
print("Email/Password Login Result: \(success), \(message ?? "")")
loginManagerForSocialMedia.performLogin { success, message in
print("Social Media Login Result: \(success), \(message ?? "")")
17. What is the @objc attribute used for in a Swift protocol?
The `@objc
` attribute is used in a Swift protocol when you want to make it compatible with Objective-C. It is often required when the protocol is used in scenarios like working with selectors or using protocols in an Objective-C codebase.
Thanks for Reading! ✌️
I hope you found this article helpful and insightful. If you have any questions or spot any corrections, feel free to drop a comment below. Happy coding! 🤖